Bill Howe
2 min readDec 19, 2021


Rethinking Leadership (Children)

After decades as a coach(soccer), teacher (technology) and father. There is much about the way children are taught and managed that has concerned me. It has led me to conduct research into existing practices and philosophies that I believe need to be re-examined in light of the world that exists today. One principle worth considering is shifting our emphasis on coaching and teaching, from leading the process, to supporting enablement.

I have heard, read and experienced a great deal about teaching, coaching and leadership. A downside exists that does not seem to be appreciated as maybe it should. Perhaps “appreciated”, is not the correct word, “concerned” being a better choice? We all understand the need for children to display good values, qualities, ethics, morals, etc. That is what we all want or we wouldn’t be in these positions. Problem is, that our very methods for improving child performance and achievement, may in fact reduce both.

I have found less is more. The principles of learning demand specific processes be in place. Teaching and coaching as we understand them to be, imply that we lead and children follow. I have undergone a complete 180 on this pedagogical approach. In fact I am writing a book based on that topic alone. I believe now, we should not teach or coach the way we have traditionally. Teachers and coaches will always be needed, but not in the same ways we have traditionally viewed those positions. Our current process of consumption learning and testing is not working in ways society needs. There is an alternative that deserves some attention. It is based on the famous quote from the movie, Field of Dreams, bu with a slight change. “Build it and they will learn.”

Create the environment, conditions and objectives, then let them make decisions, take actions and own their learning. Our roles should be those of architects, engineers, guidance, enablement, support and direction. It will be noticed that I have not included leadership in the mix. Leadership in this model is not from the front, demanding followers, but from behind and beside, through mentorship.

Children will only take ownership if we allow them to do so. We will have succeeded when we have made ourselves redundant.



Bill Howe

I am a researcher in the field of Child Learning (WC Howe Institute of Learning).